The Top 10 Tips On How To Fall Asleep

Ever get tired of sleeping? Of course not because sleep is awesome and quality sleep is extraordinarily awesome! (try saying that 3 times with your mouth full).

As you sleep, your body is repairing itself, energy is restored, tissue grows and repairs, hormones are regulated, and memories are stored away safely. 50-70 million US adults suffer a sleep disorder such as snoring, insomnia, and sleep apnea, etc. which leads to stressful days from lack of energy.

Reaching for the caffeine to cure a bad night’s rest or taking pharmaceuticals when you can’t sleep, could cause more harm in the long run. Difficulty falling sleep is a common ailment but there are many holistic remedies available to help. Let’s discover how to fall asleep fast and naturally.


Why Can’t I Fall Asleep?

Difficulty falling asleep can occur for many reasons, anxiety and depression is a major cause of insomnia. Health issues such as diabetes, obesity, and chronic pain can interfere with getting quality sleep. Thankfully, there are many simple tricks for falling asleep fast.

How to Fall Asleep Fast

Quick Tips for Falling Asleep Fast

1. Lower the Room Temperature

Set your bedroom thermostat to 60–75°F (15–23°C) which is the optimal sleep temperature. If you’re a hot sleeper, wear cooling cotton pajamas and use cotton or linen bedding. The more breathable the fabric, the cozier you will feel. Also, another cool sleeping method is to lose the socks.

2. 4-7-8 Breathing Method

If you suffer anxiety at night or find yourself with a troubled mind before bed. Breathing techniques are one of the most simple and easy techniques to falling asleep. Breathing techniques are suitable for everyone, not just yogis! Take care if you suffer a respiratory disorder, check with your doctor first, and go slow.

Calm your mind and body by first;

  1. Relax your jaw so your lips are slightly open
  2. Close your lips and inhale through your nose for the count of 4
  3. Hold your breath for 7 second
  4. Exhale fully through your mouth for 8 seconds making a whoosh sound
  5. Repeat this process for 4 cycles or until you feel relaxed and sleepy

3. Listen to Relaxing Music

Music in 432 Hz is the cosmic rhythm, a natural vibration that is in the key of nature. You’ll find many playlists online of music in 432 Hz that is ultra calming and perfect nighttime medicine. There are many healing benefits to calming music, listened to while engaging in some breathing techniques you’ll be sleeping soundly in no time.

4. Make Sure You’re Comfortable

You can use all the tricks to fall asleep but if your bed is uncomfortable, it may be more difficult. Wash your bedding regularly, fresh linen is enormously sleep-inducing. Also, ensure you have enough blankets and a pillow that supports your head. If your mattress is lumpy and bumpy, use a mattress topper or consider investing in a new mattress.

5. Unplug From Electronics

We enjoy our devices, they keep us plugged into the world but they can unplug us from quality sleep. One of the easiest ways to make yourself fall asleep is to remove electronic devices from your bedroom at least one hour before bedtime. The flickering screen of your cell phone or laptop tricks your brain into thinking it’s day time. Leave that device in another room so you can sleep better.

6. Change Your Sleep Position

Your sleep position says a lot about your personality but it can also cause discomfort at times. If you’re a stomach sleeper you may want to avoid using a pillow under your head, as this could cause lower back pain. If you’re a side sleeper, you may want to sleep with a pillow between your knees to aid hip alignment. If you’re a back sleeper, you may want to sleep with a pillow under your knees for extra comfort.

7. Read a Book

Reading a physical magazine or book in bed (as opposed to an e-reader) could help you bring on the Zzz. Reading at night may ease anxiety too as it switches your focus to the activity at hand.

8. Try to Stay Awake

Focusing your attention on falling asleep can be too stressful at times. Instead, focus on your breathing and think about what tasks you have planned the following day. Thinking too much about not sleeping will just keep you awake.

9. Think Positive Thoughts

Positive techniques to falling asleep include the attitude of gratitude. Think about the day you’ve had and all the good things in your life. Being grateful for everything in life, even the bad days! It is a great way to beat night time anxiety and bring restful sleep.

10. The Military Method

You don’t need to be a Navy pilot to enjoy the benefits of this military sleep technique. It may take up to 6 weeks to master but it could have you falling asleep in under 2 minutes (even sleeping vertically!)

  1. Relax your entire face, mouth muscles, jaw, and eye muscles
  2. Drop your shoulders and let your arms rest beside your body, releasing all tension
  3. Exhale, relax your chest as you do so, relax your thighs, working down to your legs
  4. Focus on your breathing for 10 seconds and then picture one of the following scenes
  • You’re lying in a canoe on a calm clear lake with a clear blue sky above your head
  • You’re lying on a plush black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room
  • In your mind say ‘don’t think, don’t think, don’t think’ for 10-20 seconds